Redirect / restrict access


Typo3 4.7.7
usergroup that we want to redirect to another page: 6.
pageID for target: 100.


 config >
 config.additionalHeaders = Location: /index.php?id=100
 page >
 page = PAGE
 page.10 = TEXT
 page.10.value=No Access!

Create menu from folder

Sometimes we need to create menus or list of items that are not strictly reflecting the current page-structure.
Using “special” property of hierarchical menus (HMENU) we can change the way menu is generated.

special = directory
special.value = 1

Setting HMENUs “special” property to “directory” enables us to create new menu from pages (and their child pages) selected in special.value property (e.g. special.value = 100, 101, 102). If no value is specified, default pid is the current page.

lib.folder_links = HMENU
 special = directory
 special.value = 1 # id of parent item
 1 = TMENU
 1 {
  wrap = <ul class="link">|</ul>
  expAll = 1
  NO.wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li>
  ACT < .NO
  ACT = 1
  ACT.ATagParams = class="active"

special property of hierarchical menus can have these values: “directory” / “list” / “updated” / “browse” / “rootline” / “keywords” / “language” and they are explained in detail on



# breadcrums
lib.breadcrums {
10 = HMENU
10 {
 special = rootline
 special.range = 1|-1
# "not in menu pages" should show up in the breadcrumbs menu
 includeNotInMenu = 1
 1 = TMENU
  # no unneccessary scripting.
  1.noBlur = 1
  # Current item should be unlinked
  1.CUR = 1 = _self
  1.wrap = <div class="breadcrumb-class">|</div>
  1.NO {
   stdWrap.field = title
   ATagTitle.field = nav_title // title
   linkWrap = ||*|  > |*|
  # Current menu item is unlinked
  1.CUR {
   stdWrap.field = title
   linkWrap = ||*|  > |*|
   doNotLinkIt = 1

Page meta


page.meta {
 keywords.field = keywords
 keywords.ifEmpty ( 
  List your keywords....
 description.field = description
 description.ifEmpty ( 
  Enter some page meta description...
 copyright.field = copyright
 copyright.ifEmpty ( 
  Enter some copyright meta description...

This will end up as HTML:

<meta name="keywords" content="List your keywords...." />
<meta name="description" content="Enter some page meta description..." />
<meta name="copyright" content="Enter some copyright meta description..." />

in <head> part of HTML document…

Alternatively this can be achieved using pages headerData:

# Meta Keywords
page.headerData.10 = TEXT
page.headerData.10.wrap =
page.headerData.10.value = List your keywords....
# Meta Description
page.headerData.20 = TEXT
page.headerData.20.wrap =
page.headerData.20.value = Enter some page meta description...
# Meta Copyright
page.headerData.30 = TEXT
page.headerData.30.wrap =
page.headerData.30.value = Enter some copyright meta description...

TYPO3 – create mobile version of website (templavoila)

First of all we need to add new rendering option to templavoila plugin:

Setup.TS = Mobile version

Afterwards, create a new sub-templates for desired pages (admin backend).

We can detect users agent with Typo3 built-in conditions:

[useragent= agent]

Check if useragent is mobile:

[useragent = *iPhone*]  ||  [useragent = *iPod*]  ||  [useragent = *iPad*]  ||  [useragent = *Android*]  ||  [useragent = *OperaMini*]  ||  [useragent = *BlackBerry*]


[useragent = *iPhone*]  ||  [useragent = *iPod*]  ||  [useragent = *iPad*]  ||  [useragent = *Android*]  ||  [useragent = *OperaMini*]  ||  [useragent = *BlackBerry*]
# if it's mobile, set childtemplate to mobile
 plugin.tx_templavoila_pi1.childTemplate = mobile
 page = PAGE
 page >
 page = PAGE
 page.10 = USER
 page.10.userFunc = tx_templavoila_pi1->main_page
#name of child template
 page.10.childTemplate = mobile
#change doctype and encoding
 page.config >
 page.config {
#output will be utf-8
  renderCharset = utf-8
#doctype for mobile devices will be XHTML MP 1.0
   doctype (
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "" >
 page = PAGE
 page.10 = USER
 page.10.userFunc = tx_templavoila_pi1->main_page

while you’re at it you might want to change your menu layout to include different navigation. This will create menu from pages that have pageID 199 as their parent:


[useragent = *iPhone*] || [useragent = *iPod*] || [useragent = *iPad*] || [useragent = *Android*] || [useragent = *OperaMini*] || [useragent = *BlackBerry*]
 lib.mainMenu = HMENU
  special = directory
  special.value = 199 
  1 = TMENU
  1 {
   wrap = <ul class="menu">|</ul>
   expAll = 1
   NO.wrapItemAndSub = <li><div class="someclass">|</div></li>
   ACT < .NO
   ACT = 1
   ACT.ATagParams = class="active"

and you should change template files of various plugins…